The Hierarchy Reloader Settings screen

Each batch tab on the Destination Consolidation Node screen contains two tabs: Hierarchy Settings where you can select which projects will be imported and Project Settings where you can select how projects will be treated during import.

Hierarchy Settings tab

The Batch Sensitivity Run field contains the name of the imported Result Set and Run. Click on The ellipsis button to select a different item. When you select a Run, the box below is automatically filled with project names.

You can sort the displayed hierarchy by selecting an option from the Select Report View field. Nodes can be sorted by any project property (country, analyst, region, etc.). If you plan to use this function, make sure that all project properties are specified. If a property selected for sorting is not filled in, the project will appear under the <None> node. You can create new views by using the Manage Views options (see Manage report views).

In the Select Result Type field, select which type of data you want to load. The options are described in the table below.

Option Description
Selected consolidation nodes Data from all selected source projects under a consolidation node will be accumulated and loaded as a consolidated project in the destination hierarchy.
Selected project nodes Source projects will be loaded on an individual basis into the destination hierarchy.
Selected consolidation and project nodes Both consolidated project nodes and single projects will be loaded into the destination hierarchy.

Select the nodes, which you want to import, by checking boxes next to their names. If you right-click on a node, the context menu will be displayed. It contains options for quick selection: Select/Deselect All Projects, Select/Deselect All Projects and Consolidations.

From the drop-down menu in the right-hand pane, select the hierarchy and the node where imported data will be placed.

If you check the Copy hierarchy structure from selection box, then the source hierarchy will be fully replicated in the destination hierarchy regardless of which consolidation nodes were selected; the selected projects will be created in the same nodes as in the source hierarchy.

If you check the Create hierarchy structure from checked nodes only box, then only the selected nodes will be created as consolidation nodes in the destination hierarchy. 

In the Mapping Template section, select the template to be used for loading.

Project Settings tab

Here you need to specify how projects should be processed during import. The New Projects section refers to projects which exist in the source hierarchy and do not exist in the destination hierarchy. The Existing Projects section refers to projects that existed in both the source and destination before loading. All options are described in the table below.

Option Description
Create project If the project does not exist in the destination node, it will be created.
Log and skip project The project will be ignored, and a record will be added in the log file.
Update project Only mapped variables will be updated in the project in FINANCIALS. The rest of the variables will retain the original values.
Update project and move to correct consolidation node Existing projects will be updated and moved to the same consolidation node in FINANCIALS as the one to which they belong in the loaded Result Set.
Create additional project A copy of the existing project will be created. If you select this option, you will need to choose how the additional project will be named; you can choose between an automatic sequence number, and user-entered prefix or suffix.
Overwrite existing project properties Project properties will be loaded from the Result Set. However, if you import consolidations, only the common properties across the projects in the consolidation will be loaded. For example, if projects belong to different countries, this property will be ignored; otherwise the country name will be carried over to overwrite existing properties.
Clear all data prior to update All existing variable values will be set to zero before import begins.

In the Project Values section, you can specify the start year and duration of loaded projects. The duration can be imported from the Result Set or specified directly.

The Project naming options section and the Consolidation naming options section contain additional naming options. If you check the Apply Full Path ID box, unique identifiers will be created for loaded projects and consolidation nodes. An identifier is a combination of numbers and letters which is added to the item name after loading, and is displayed in the hierarchy. It establishes a link between source and destination items, so that when you re-load values again, they will be loaded into correct projects. Identifiers are used, for example, when there are low-level consolidation nodes with the same name in different parts of the destination hierarchy.

If you check the Add suffix box, then you will need to specify a particular suffix which will be added to project and consolidation names.

On the Sensitivity Runs tab, select the Runs you want to load by checking the boxes next to their names. By default, the default Result Set Run is selected. You also need to choose a project scenario from the list in the Project Scenario Name column.

On the Partners tab, define which partner corresponds to the partner numbers set up in the mapping template (see Create a Hierarchy Reloader settings template). Partners whose shares were calculated in the loaded Result Set are marked in bold.